After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Discuss the importance of teaching English in India
- Justify the place of the English language in school curriculum.
- Describe the aims and objectives of teaching English language at the Secondary and higher
secondary stages.
- Familiar with different methods and approaches of teaching English.
- Apply various skills of teaching.
- Design effective evaluation strategy for evaluating various language competencies of English
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Describe the importance of teaching Marathi in India.
- Justify the place of Marathi language in school curriculum.
- Discuss the aims and objectives of teaching Marathi language at Secondary and higher
secondary stages.
- Use different methods and approaches of teaching Marathi.
- Apply various skills of Marathi language.
- Select appropriate teaching strategy for teaching of Marathi language.
- Design effective evaluation strategy for evaluating various language competencies of Marathi
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Describe the importance of teaching Hindi in India
- Justify the place of Hindi language in school curriculum.
- Discuss the aims and objectives of teaching Hindi language at Secondary and higher
secondary stage.
- Use different methods and approaches of teaching Hindi.
- Apply various skills of Hindi language.
- Select appropriate teaching strategy for teaching of Hindi language.
- Analyse text book of Hindi language.
- Design effective evaluation strategy for evaluating various language competencies of Hindi
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Describe the place of Sanskrit as a source language of all the Indian Languages and language
of culture.
- Discuss different methods and approaches of teaching Sanskrit in Secondary school.
- Develop adequate skill in the use of various audio visual aids, useful in the teaching of
- Diagnose pupils difficulties and short comings in achievement of language skills and suggest
- Use the techniques of evaluation in Sanskrit.
- Select appropriate teaching strategy for teaching of Hindi language.
- Analyse text book of Hindi language.
Science and Social Sciences
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Discuss the Place and importance of Biological science in teaching and curriculum.
- Describe concepts and principles of Biological Science
- Select appropriate methods to teach Biological Science.
- Explain the concepts, Approaches, Strategies and Techniques of teaching biological science.
- Acquire adequate skills required for effective teaching of Biological Science at secondary and
higher secondary level.
- Develop the skills in preparation and use of different audio visual aids which are useful in the
teaching of Biological Science.
- Prepare teaching plan ,unit plan, annual plan for teaching Biological sciences
- Organise different co curricular activities for teaching Biological sciences.
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Discover the Place and importance of Mathematics in teaching and curriculum.
- Analyse the concepts and principles of Mathematics and select appropriate methods to teach
- Verify the concepts, Approaches, Strategies and Techniques.
- Illustrate the planning of teaching mathematics.
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Recognize the nature and structure of Geography.
- List the objectives of teaching Geography at Secondary schools.
- Justify the importance of teaching Geography at the secondary School level.
- Choose the methods, and approaches for organizing Geography curriculum.
- Generate skills to organize Geography curriculum.
- Explain the need for different types of planning needed in the Geography instruction.
- Discover the various evaluation techniques in Geography.
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Recognise the Place and importance of Physical Sciences in teaching and curriculum.
- Associate concepts and principles of Physical Sciences and select appropriate methods to
teach Physical Sciences.
- Discuss concepts, Approaches, Strategies, and Techniques.
- Organise planning of teaching Physical Sciences.
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Familiar with the objectives of teaching Chemistry.
- Analyse the syllabus in Chemistry.
- Assess various methods and techniques of teaching Chemistry effectively and efficiently.
- Identify adequate skills in the preparation and use of suitable teaching aids in Chemistry.
- Organise co-curricular activities in Chemistry.
- Select , prepare and use appropriate tools of evaluation in Chemistry.
- Interpret the results of various tools in Chemistry.
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Relate economics subject and its correlation with other subjects.
- Interpret different types of planning for teaching
- Summaries the importance of content analysis
- Classify different methods for teaching of Economics
- Demonstrate different techniques in teaching of Economics
- Perform evaluation technique in Economics.
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Judge the nature and structure of History.
- Identify the objectives of teaching History at Secondary schools.
- Point out importance of teaching History at the secondary School level.
- Compare methods, and approaches for organizing History curriculum.
- Analyses skills to organize History curriculum.
- Discuss the need for different types of planning needed in the History instruction.
- Criticize various evaluation techniques in History.
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify .the place of Music in the Secondary School curriculum.
- Interpret different methods of learning music.
- Choose adequate skills in the use of various teaching aids in Music
- Discover difficulties and defects in the achievement of Music skills.
- Choose the technique of evolution in Music.
- Organize and supervise music-related, activities.
- Discuss the role of music in social, economic, cultural, and technological life.
Home Science
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Explain the place of the Home Science in the Secondary School syllabus.
- Familiarize the students with laboratories in various areas of Home Science.
- Point out different methods of learning Home Science.
- Choose adequate skills in the use of various teaching aids in Home science
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Explain commerce subject and its correlation with other subjects.
- Aware about different types of planning for teaching
- Demonstrate the different methods for teaching of Commerce
- Compare different techniques in the teaching of commerce
- Summaries importance of evaluation commerce
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Generate civic consciousness, sense of a patriotism, National integrity and International
- Perform spirit of Democracy and social co-existence.
- Discover the various methods of teaching civics.
- Select proper teaching aids and evaluative tools.
Physical Education
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Discuss the concept of holistic health, its various dimensions and determinants
- Develop positive attitude towards health physical education and yoga as individual.
- Sensitize, motivate and help them to acquire the skills for physical fitness, learn correct
- habits and activities for its development
- Develop interest for the practice of yogasanas and meditations
- Describe various policies and program related to health, physical education and yoga
- Describe the process of assessment of health and physical fitness.
Fine Arts Education
After taking this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify the basics of different art forms and impact of Art forms on the human mind
- Develop artistic and aesthetic sensibility among learners to enable them to respond to the
beauty in different art forms, through genuine exploration, experience and free expressions.
- Acquire skills for integrating different art forms across school curriculum for better learning
and development.
- Develop skills for integrating different Art forms across school curriculum at secondary level
- Create awareness of the rich cultural heritage of the country.